Disciplina asociada:Estudios Humanísticos |
Humanidades y Educación
Departamento Académico:
Estudios Humanísticos
Programas académicos: |
Competencias que se desarrollan: |
Requisitos:No tiene. |
Equivalencia:No tiene. |
Intención del curso en el contexto general del plan de estudios: |
Este curso de nivel introductorio proporciona una revisión crítica de la evolución de las nociones de lo humano hasta nuestros días desde una perspectiva filosófica, antropológica, histórica, social y tecnológica. Como resultado del aprendizaje, el alumno investigará problemáticas actuales desde una dimensión posthumanista articulada con al menos dos de las siguientes perspectivas: social, cultural, tecnológica, ética, con el fin de destacar posibles impactos individuales y colectivos, de manera que promueva la reflexión metacognitiva y la acción sobre su responsabilidad como agente de cambio. Asimismo, los resultados se medirán a partir de un texto paralelo en el cual los alumnos describan su experiencia personal de aprendizaje a lo largo de la clase y discutiendo la utilidad de la perspectiva posthumanista en su realidad cotidiana. |
Objetivo general de la Unidad de Formación: |
Al finalizar el curso el estudiante será capaz de: - Fundamentar argumentos sólidos y juicios propios mediante un proceso de razonamiento lógico. - Distinguir argumentos, contextos, intenciones y emociones a través del análisis lingüístico-discursivo, la identificación de ideas principales, marcas afectivas y argumentativas de los interlocutores. - Respetar la dignidad en su propia persona y en los demás, describiendo las circunstancias ajenas. - Referir ideas relacionadas con la dignidad humana, empatía, derechos humanos y los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, describiendo algunos elementos del contexto social, político, económico, cultural y medioambiental en el que se desarrolla su proyecto, utilizando o no datos de carácter cualitativo o cuantitativo. |
Técnica didáctica sugerida: |
Aprendizaje colaborativo | |||||
Bibliografía sugerida: |
LIBROS DE TEXTO: * Marvin Harris, The rise of anthropological theory: a history of theories of culture, Updated Edition, Walnut Creek, CA, USA : Altamira Press, 2001, Inglés, 978-0759101333 * Braidotti Rosi, The posthuman, Malden, MA, USA : Polity Press, ©2013, 074564158X * Francesca Ferrando, Philosophical posthumanism, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, Inglés, 978-1350186019 LIBROS DE CONSULTA: * Hannah Arendt, The human condition, 2nd. Edition (Enlarged), Chicago, IL, USA : University of Chicago Press, 2018, Inglés, 978-0226586601 * Judith Butler, Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, 1st. Edition, Oxfordshire, England, UK : Routledge, 2006, Inglés, 978-0415389556 * Donna Haraway, Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature, 1st. Edition, Oxfordshire, England, UK : Routledge, 1990, Inglés, 978-0415903875 * Katherine Hayles, How we became posthuman: virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature and informatics, 1st. Edition, Chicago, IL, USA : University of Chicago Press, 1999, Inglés, 978-0226321462 * Yuval Noah-Harari, Sapiens: a brief history of humankind, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Random House Publishing Group, 2016, Inglés, 978-8499926223 * Yuval Noah-Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st century, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Random House Publishing Group, 2018, Inglés, 978-0525512196 * Michel Foucault, The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Vintage, 1994, Inglés, 978-0679753353 * Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut, Mary Schnackenberg Cattani, French philosophy of the sixties: an essay on antihumanism, 1st. Edition, Amherst, MA, USA : University of Massachusetts Press, 1990, Inglés, 978-0870236945 * Jürgen Habermas, The future of human nature, 1st. Edition, Oxford, England, UK : Polity, 2003, Inglés, 978-0745629872 * Michael Hauskeller, Thomas D. Philbeck, Curtis D. Carbonell, The Palgrave handbook of posthumanism in film and television, 1st. Edition, London, England, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, Inglés, 978-1137430311 * Martin Heidegger, The question concerning technology and other essays, Upgraded Edition, New York, NY, USA : Harper Perennial Modern Classic, 2013, Inglés, 978-0062290700 * Simon L. Lewis, Mark A. Maslin, The human planet: how we created the anthropocene, 1st. Edition, New Haven, CT, USA : Yale University Press, 2018, Inglés, 978-0300232172 * Anna Kérchy, Posthumanism in fantastic fiction, 1st. Edition, Szeged, Hungary : Americana eBooks, 2018, Inglés, 978-6155423451 * Humberto R. Maturana, Francisco J. Varela, The tree of knowledge: the biological roots of human understanding , Revised Edition, New York, NY, USA : Random House, 1992, Inglés, 978-0877736424 * Alan Smart, Josephine Smart, Posthumanism: anthropological insights, 1st. Edition, Toronto, Canada : University of Toronto Press, 2017, Inglés, 978-1442636446 * Ferrando, Francesca, The party of the anthropocene : post-humanism environmentalism and the post-anthropocentric paradigm shift, Italy : Relations Beyond Anthropocentrism, 2016, spa, * Berardi, Franco, d1949-, Héroes : asesinato masivo y suicidio, Madrid : Akal,, 2016, spa, |
Perfil del Profesor: |
(240103)Maestría en Humanidades/Estudios Humanísticos ; (160199)Maestría en Literatura ; (380101)Maestría en Filosofía ; (380103)Maestría en Ética ; (450101)Maestría en Ciencias Sociales ; (450201)Maestría en Antropología ; (451001)Maestría en Ciencias Políticas ; (540104)Maestría en Historia/Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología ; (240103)Doctorado en Humanidades/Estudios Humanísticos ; (160199)Doctorado en Literatura ; (380101)Doctorado en Filosofía ; (380103)Doctorado en Ética ; (450101)Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales ; (450201)Doctorado en Antropología ; (451001)Doctorado en Ciencias Políticas ; (540104)Doctorado en Historia/Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología CIP: 240103, 160199, 380101, 380103, 450101, 450201, 451001, 540104 Experiencia recomendada: El(la) instructor(a) debe contar con experiencia en la enseñanza de filosofía, estudios culturales, estudios críticos, estudios culturales, antropología, o sociología. Que tenga conocimiento amplio de la evolución del hombre como ser social, cultural y tecnológico. |
Discipline:Humanities Studies |
Humanities and Education
Academic Department:
Humanistic Studies
Programs: |
Competitions:SEG0501A ; SEG0402A ; |
Prerequisites:None. |
Equivalences:None. |
Course intention within the general study plan context: |
This introductory level course provides a critical review of the evolution of notions of the human to the present day from a philosophical, anthropological, historical, social, and technological perspective. As a learning outcome, the student will investigate current problems from a posthumanist dimension articulated with at least two of the following perspectives: social, cultural, technological, ethical, in order to highlight possible individual and collective impacts, in a way that promotes metacognitive reflection and action on their responsibility as an agent of change. Likewise, the results will be measured from a parallel text in which the students describe their personal learning experience throughout the class and discuss the usefulness of the posthumanist perspective in their daily reality. |
Course objective: |
At the end of this course the student will be capable of: - Grounding sound arguments and judgments through a logical reasoning process. - Distinguishing arguments, contexts, intentions, and emotions through a linguistic-discursive analysis, as well as the identification of main ideas, and affective and argumentative marks of the interlocutors. - Respecting their own dignity, as well as the dignity of others, describing their circumstances. - Referring ideas related to human dignity, empathy, human rights, and sustainable development objectives, describing some elements of the social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental context in which the project is developed, by using of not qualitative or quantitative data. |
Teaching and learning tecniques: |
Collaborative learning | |||||
Suggested Bibliography: |
TEXT BOOKS: * Marvin Harris, The rise of anthropological theory: a history of theories of culture, Updated Edition, Walnut Creek, CA, USA : Altamira Press, 2001, Inglés, 978-0759101333 * Braidotti Rosi, The posthuman, Malden, MA, USA : Polity Press, ©2013, 074564158X * Francesca Ferrando, Philosophical posthumanism, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, Inglés, 978-1350186019 BOOKS FOR CONSULTATION: * Hannah Arendt, The human condition, 2nd. Edition (Enlarged), Chicago, IL, USA : University of Chicago Press, 2018, Inglés, 978-0226586601 * Judith Butler, Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, 1st. Edition, Oxfordshire, England, UK : Routledge, 2006, Inglés, 978-0415389556 * Donna Haraway, Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature, 1st. Edition, Oxfordshire, England, UK : Routledge, 1990, Inglés, 978-0415903875 * Katherine Hayles, How we became posthuman: virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature and informatics, 1st. Edition, Chicago, IL, USA : University of Chicago Press, 1999, Inglés, 978-0226321462 * Yuval Noah-Harari, Sapiens: a brief history of humankind, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Random House Publishing Group, 2016, Inglés, 978-8499926223 * Yuval Noah-Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st century, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Random House Publishing Group, 2018, Inglés, 978-0525512196 * Michel Foucault, The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences, 1st. Edition, New York, NY, USA : Vintage, 1994, Inglés, 978-0679753353 * Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut, Mary Schnackenberg Cattani, French philosophy of the sixties: an essay on antihumanism, 1st. Edition, Amherst, MA, USA : University of Massachusetts Press, 1990, Inglés, 978-0870236945 * Jürgen Habermas, The future of human nature, 1st. Edition, Oxford, England, UK : Polity, 2003, Inglés, 978-0745629872 * Michael Hauskeller, Thomas D. Philbeck, Curtis D. Carbonell, The Palgrave handbook of posthumanism in film and television, 1st. Edition, London, England, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, Inglés, 978-1137430311 * Martin Heidegger, The question concerning technology and other essays, Upgraded Edition, New York, NY, USA : Harper Perennial Modern Classic, 2013, Inglés, 978-0062290700 * Simon L. Lewis, Mark A. Maslin, The human planet: how we created the anthropocene, 1st. Edition, New Haven, CT, USA : Yale University Press, 2018, Inglés, 978-0300232172 * Anna Kérchy, Posthumanism in fantastic fiction, 1st. Edition, Szeged, Hungary : Americana eBooks, 2018, Inglés, 978-6155423451 * Humberto R. Maturana, Francisco J. Varela, The tree of knowledge: the biological roots of human understanding , Revised Edition, New York, NY, USA : Random House, 1992, Inglés, 978-0877736424 * Alan Smart, Josephine Smart, Posthumanism: anthropological insights, 1st. Edition, Toronto, Canada : University of Toronto Press, 2017, Inglés, 978-1442636446 * Ferrando, Francesca, The party of the anthropocene : post-humanism environmentalism and the post-anthropocentric paradigm shift, Italy : Relations Beyond Anthropocentrism, 2016, spa, * Berardi, Franco, d1949-, Héroes : asesinato masivo y suicidio, Madrid : Akal,, 2016, spa, |
Academic credentials required to teach the course: |
(240103)Master Degree in Humanities/ Humanistic Studies ; (160199)Master Degree in Literature ; (380101)Master Degree in Philosophy ; (380103)Master Degree in Ethics ; (450101)Master Degree in Social Sciences ; (450201)Master Degree in Anthropology ; (451001)Master Degree in Political Relations ; (540104)Master Degree in History/Philosophy of Science and Technology ; (240103)Doctoral Degree in Humanities/ Humanistic Studies ; (160199)Doctoral Degree in Literature ; (380101)Doctoral Degree in Philosophy ; (380103)Doctoral Degree in Ethics ; (450101)Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences ; (450201)Doctoral Degree in Anthropology ; (451001)Doctoral Degree in Political Relations ; (540104)Doctoral Degree in History/Philosophy of Science and Technology CIP: 240103, 160199, 380101, 380103, 450101, 450201, 451001, 540104 Recommended Experience: The instructor should have experience teaching philosophy, cultural studies, critical studies, cultural studies, anthropology, or sociology. That has broad knowledge of the evolution of man as a social, cultural and technological being. |